Yes, the rumors are true (well the rumors in my house at least)....More piggy banks will be coming very very soon. This time around, I will only have LARGE pigs in stock, and I will have a better selection. Some old styles, some new styles, some old styles that have been re-vamped...
I hate hate hate to say this, but unfortunately the price has gone up a litttle bit. They are $25. This does not include shipping and handling. I will ONLY charge what it will cost to package and ship it, so when I say handling I don't mean I am charging you for my time spent or the gas to get to the Post Office. If you would like to place an order, please email me, and I will calculate the shipping and handling cost for you. I do not charge anything extra to personalize the piggy banks, that is included in the $25.
So....without any more wasted time, here are the Piggy Banks I will have in stock within the next few weeks:
PiGGy BaNkS FoR GirLs:
Crazy Daisy

Antique Rose
PiGGy BaNkS FoR BoyS:
Transportation/Traffic (I am not 100% sure that
this is going to be the design, but I will update once I find out)
FoR BoYs Or GirLs:
If you have any questions, please email me! Thank you for visiting!